Category: Lead Shot for Sale
Lawrence Brand Shot and West Coast Magnum Shot – Proudly Made in the USA
At Mayco Industries, we offer a comprehensive selection of high-quality Made-in-the-USA Lawrence shot and West Coast Magnum Shot. These products are manufactured in Granite City, IL, and we’re proud to offer them to our American shooter customers. Whether you need quality bulk lead shot for sale, lead shot ballast, or other lead shot product, we have you covered.
Lawrence Brand Chilled Lead Shot
Lawrence chilled lead shot for sale has a consistent density and beautiful spherical shape. It is a highly polished shot, uniformly round encoded with graphite. It provides a slick surface for loading and pellet adjustment during the process of ignition. The hardness, accurate sizing, consistent density, and spherical quality are unmatched by Lawrence shot products. As a result, the product delivers tighter patterns and more effective results.
Lawrence Brand Magnum Lead Shot
The alloyed combination of Lawrence magnum lead shot with antimony increases its hardness. Subsequently it is highly polished to uniform round sphere shape and then coated with graphite. It provides same slickness, pellet adjustment, and performance capabilities as the chilled lead shot.
West Coast Graphite-Coated High Antimony Magnum Lead Shot
The performance of this shot matches that of top-of-the-line factory round ammunition, delivering tight patterns, maximum density, shorter strings, and greater range. It is also graphite coated.
Lawrence Brand Copper-Plated Lead Shot
Lawrence copper-plated bulk lead shot for sale consists of highly polished lead interior core, alloyed with antimony, the combination of which enhances hardness. The shot is plated with copper to increase its spherical quality and pellet hardness. The result is tighter patterns and deeper penetration of game.
Comparisons Among chilled, Magnum, and Plated Lead Shot
- Chilled lead shot is somewhat softer than Magnum lead shot, while also slightly denser because it does not contain antimony. Numerous sports shooters and hunters prefer chilled lead shot due to its greater density and capability to deform and transfer energy.
- Magnum lead shot is characteristically harder due to the presence of antimony in the alloy. Magnum shot is often preferred because it is able to maintain a consistent spherical shape.
- Plated shot is the optimum choice for exceptional game loads. It achieves tighter patterns and provides enhanced penetration and transfer of energy qualities.
If you are looking to buy bulk lead shot for sale or any type of lead shot ballast we offer at Mayco Industries, give us a call today at 800.749.6061 or fill out our contact form.
#4 Lead Shot for Sale – A Look at the Applications and Benefits
Useful in a variety of applications, our #4 lead shot for sale is highly popular for turkey hunting. In addition, this led shot is often used for target shooting, varmint control, hunting birds of various sizes and shapes, as well as for home defense. Part of its performance characteristics include its excellent ballistics capabilities and its propensity to penetrate deep into the target, enabling easy kills. For these reasons it is often preferred over steel and hunting applications. At Mayco Industries, we manufacture and distribute West Coast and Lawrence Brand Shot to re-loaders and shooters across the nation.
Hunting With #4 Shot
The most commonly hunted animals with the #4 lead shot for sale at Mayco Industries are geese, pheasants, and turkey. When it comes to hunting medium to large game fowl, you can’t do much better than #4 shot. It is particularly effective for hunting large birds in because lead maintains a consistent pattern over a long range.
Using #4 Shot for Home Defense
When it comes to home defense, many homeowners will load their shotgun with buckshot. However, what you use may depend on your personal preference or what you have learned from others. Some will choose to load with our number #4 lead shot for sale and then subsequently heavier loads. By loading with #4 shot, the idea is that it will produce significant impact at close range, but not pass through multiple walls in the home.
As a homeowner, you may choose a certain kind of shot based on your comfort level for home defense. Anything larger than #4 may be preferred when a longer shot is required.
You may need to do some research before hunting with #4 lead shot if you are going to use it on land area where its use is restricted due to potential land and groundwater contamination, but on your own property it may be your call. Check the laws in your locality and state. If you have a large area of land that is being invaded by unwanted guests such as squirrels, rabbits, and other small game species environment, #4 lead shot may be exactly what you need.
If you have any questions about our lead shot for sale at Mayco Industries, call us today at 800.749.6061 or send us a message through our contact form.